Why successful people associate with other successful people-img

By Mark Creedon

Why successful people associate with other successful people

I had the pleasure of having lunch with a client recently.

That was certainly something I missed during Covid!

Here we were enjoying a great lunch and a particularly good bottle of Barossa shiraz and yet what struck me most was not the value of the food or the wine but the value of the company.

Let me expand on that.

Michael Yardney and I often talk about the habits of successful people. One of them relates to whom they associate with.

Successful people associate with other successful people. They mix with people who have a positive mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude.

They mix with people who are looking forward to the next win and not focussing backward on their last loss.

They have clear goals, and they are not afraid to chase them, to take some risks, and even to risk failure.

It is one of the things I absolutely love about our Business Accelerator Mastermind program. It is full of already successful business owners and professionals who are looking to grow to that true level three business, to create a business and not just a job.

In Mastermind, our members are very happy to share their success and lessons with each other.

They don’t feel like they need to keep their success, secrets to themselves, and they believe in abundance.

What comes from that sharing and mixing with like-minded people is a mix of shared wisdom and collective momentum as everyone moves strongly toward their objectives, motivated and pushed by those around them.

And that is what struck me at lunch. I was sharing a meal with a client who had grown the revenue in his business by 40% in the 10 months we had been working together.

That’s a pretty cool growth statistic.

I felt motivated and invigorated just listening to his story of change and growth. It made me super proud to have that kind of result from a Mastermind member, but it also made me want to make my business even better.

That’s the benefit of mixing with like-minded people, they help drive you to the next level. The true beauty is that it doesn’t matter what your ‘next level’ is either, they are not comparing.

They just want you to get there.

Here is a challenge for you then. Have a look at who you spend the most time with. Are they successful? Do the people in your circle of influence help you to strive for further success? In other words, how are they influencing you?

At lunch, the steak was great and the shiraz was amazing, but the motivation and influence of the company were far more valuable and memorable for me.

This doesn’t mean that you have to do a clean sweep of your friends but, maybe take a few minutes to think about the people around you. If they are not helping you get to the next level, but you love their company, no problem.

Take some time to start looking to add to your friends and find people who you can be motivated and inspired by.

Finally, never be afraid to mix with someone who is more successful than you. The truth is, that may very well be how they got there, associating with and learning from someone more successful than them.

When you’re ready to build a business, not just a job, we’re here to help you

  • Do you know you’re ready for more, but tired of wondering how you’re going to grow your business?
  • Are you looking to cure your frustrations and isolation with a Real Community?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you’re doomed to playing small?
  • Are you tired of spinning your wheels and getting no traction?

Here are 4 ways we can help you:

  1. Grab a copy of a white paper I recently wrote: “The top 5 reasons why you need to join a Mastermind Group NOW” – click here to download it.
  2. Grab a copy of my book. It’s a road map to creating a business that doesn’t rely on you and you have a business & not just a job – click here
  3. Keep up to date with my Podcast. If you want to learn simple strategies to help you double your revenue and work half your current time your business – Listen here.
  4. Join the Business Mastermind group. It’s our new Facebook community where smart business people learn to get more income, impact & independence – click here
  5. Work with me and my team privately. If you would like to work directly with me and my team to take your business to a Level 3 Business… Just send a message to [email protected] and put the work “Private” in the subject line.

Mark Creedon

Mark Creedon is the founder of Business Accelerator mastermind by Metropole and business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs – helping them build a true business, not a job.

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