By Mark Creedon
The SOS Content Method
Ever find yourself at a loss for fresh content ideas for your business? Trust me, I’ve been there!
I just adopted a new approach that takes the pressure off me and taps into the collective genius of my team. I’m excited to share this game-changer with you because I honestly understand the struggle.
Introducing the SOS Methodology—an effective way to generate content ideas with the help of your team. Let’s dive in:
S: Story
O: Outcome
S: Segue or Strategy
Step 1: Story
Kickstart your next content journey by using a compelling story as your cornerstone. Believe me, this is easier than it sounds. Just ask your team to share something that happened to them recently. It could be anything—from a minor commute mishap to a heartwarming personal achievement.
Step 2: Outcome
Remember, it’s not about the specific experience but the broader lesson that came from it. That offbeat podcast during a delayed commute? The takeaway here is turning negatives into positives. Voila, you have your next content angle!
Step 3: Segue or Strategy
Here’s where it gets interesting—your third step has two paths, depending on your content goals:
Option A: Segue
Use this step to craft a relatable message for your audience. Whether you’re talking to existing clients or potential leads, storytelling is the foundation of a marketing tactic. Mould the story from step one into a message that supports or involves your business in some way.
For instance, one of my team members recently bought herself her first brand new car. It was a huge milestone for her. When she brought it to the office the next day, we all went down to the car park and gave her a round of applause. No surprise, this story really resonated with my prospective leads because they got to see first-hand how being on my team is more like being part of a family than just an office.
It’s not about grand narratives—your interpretation is the magic that counts.
Option B: Strategy
Step three can also serve as a launchpad for a whole content calendar. A passing conversation about my taste in music led me to the idea of prioritizing the things I love simply because I realized I hadn’t listened to anything I loved recently. Result? A blog, podcast episode, presentation, and Hot Seat segment are all based on that single chat. By weaving your message into a story, your content becomes irresistible.
So next time you’re stuck for new content, don’t panic. If you run out of your own stories, look to your team for theirs. If there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that there’s never a shortage of stories out there if you’re just willing to listen.

Mark Creedon
Mark Creedon is the founder of Business Accelerator mastermind by Metropole and business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs – helping them build a true business, not a job.
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