By Mark Creedon
The daily, weekly and monthly routines to make you successful
So little success comes down to raw talent.

If I was to develop a success formula, I would say it’s hard work plus persistence plus positive habits – done over and over again.
Sticking to a routine is vital for success.
They’re the habits that push us to the top because they make us more focused, efficient and creative.
Warren Buffett, for example, gets up at 6.45am every day and spends 80 per cent of his day reading.
He credits reading with giving him the knowledge to stay on top of his game.
Richard Branson, meanwhile, wakes up at 5am every morning and answers emails after exercise.
He also makes sure he eats with friends and family every day.
Why do I write so much about the habits of successful people?
Because habits play a big role in helping people become successful.
It’s impossible to work long hours over a long period of time without healthy habits to sustain us.
If you try to work long hours without a series of positive habits to help you on your way, you’ll most likely burn-out within a year!
So, here are some positive routines that you can incorporate into your life on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Because not all successful habits need to be performed every day.

Sleep: It’s important to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day.
This helps get our body into a routine and will give us energy for the rest of the day.
Relax: It’s also important to find some scheduled time for “time-out”.
Time-out can mean different things to different people.
For some, it’s taking a walk for 30 minutes each lunch time, for others it’s 10 minutes of scheduled meditation every morning.
Maybe you keep a journal that helps you stay on track with your goals?
Or perhaps your time-out is a long, hot bath.
Whatever it is, make sure it’s time for you and not anyone else.

Exercise: It’s also important to look after your health, which is why you need to make room — be it 20 minutes or one hour — for exercise.
It could be yoga or a cardio-based class.
Even some gentle walking is great for you!
But don’t underestimate the importance of getting out of your chair every day — it’s crucial not just for mental health, but for the long-term health of our bodies.
Connect: We can get so busy that we forget what is really important to us: our friends and family.
So make sure you’re spending quality time with your loved ones every day.
This could involve eating together as a family every night, or even a glass of wine or a beer together after the day’s end.
Disconnect: Everyone is available 24/7 these days.
People respond to emails on holidays, on Sunday evenings, or even late at night.

Sometimes this is necessary, especially when you’re running your own business.
But it’s also necessary that you log off completely at least once a week.
Carve out some time when you switch your phone off and leave your laptop closed.
You’ll be more refreshed as a result.
Get outside: Walking in nature is a proven mood-booster.
It’s a great way to get a fresh perspective on an issue or to simply switch off the work part of your brain.
Take a ball to the park and kick it around with the kids or go for a walk in your local neighbourhood.
Getting outdoors costs nothing but repays you many times over.
Take stock: When we’re chasing success, it’s easy to focus on the work and forget about taking time to reflect.

But reflecting is essential for growth and I suggest a ritual at the end of each month where you analyse what your strengths and weakness of the past four weeks have been and what you’ve learned.
You could write these reflections down in a calendar or post them to a goals board above your desk.
At the end of 12 months, it’s worth having a look back at the entire year, working out the highs and lows, and then planning the following year based on what you’ve learned.
Do nothing: OK, this is a tricky one for many people.
When you work so hard for a living, it can be hard to simply do nothing.
What does doing nothing entail?
It means making absolutely no plans for at least one day of the month.
You may read a book or watch TV.
You may listen to music.

It may feel like you’re doing nothing, but this kind on rest is vital for your well-being.
As a successful friend of mine once said, “The only bad rest is the kind we don’t take.”
So there you have it – some tips on creating positive routines to give you the energy and focus to take on all of the challenges in your day.
Not all of these routines are going to appeal to you, but don’t worry.
The beauty of routines is that they can be tailored to suit each person.
It doesn’t matter if you like getting up at 5am or 7am.
The trick is to develop a routine that will bring out the best in you!
And then, of course, to stick to it.

Mark Creedon
Mark Creedon is the founder of Business Accelerator mastermind by Metropole and business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs – helping them build a true business, not a job.
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