By Mark Creedon
The 5 Workflow Fixes
You’re at peak performance when you’re working in conditions that suit the way you like to work. It’s a no brainer, right?
But the shocking thing is, there are a few super common things that are probably preventing you from working in your natural flow right now. Today’s article is all about the importance of finding your flow and staying in it.
First I’m going to run you through those five things that could be messing up your flow, then we’re going to dive into five solutions to help you get back to your best state. Let’s get into it!
You’re overloaded.
Whether you’re someone who’s just not that great at saying “no,” or you’ve hit a really busy period in your business, sometimes we just have way too much on our plate. This creates a sense of overwhelm that can actually be crippling to our success and productivity as we begin to work reactively instead of proactively.
Other people are too demanding.
Whether it’s people at work or people at home, having constant chatter and requests coming at you is definitely not helpful in getting you into your flow. Not only is this distracting but it also makes it super difficult to prioritize your own needs and to-do list.
This can be almost anything, but the key thing to note here is that distractions are a cycle. Distractions can prevent you from getting into your flow, but you can also be prone to distraction because you’re not in your flow, because you’re not happy.
This could be friction between you and another person, amidst the people around you, or it can even be between yourself and your values. Sometimes we’re burdened with work we straight up just don’t believe in.
Don’t finish.
Sometimes you get a ton of momentum on the uptake but then can’t ever seem to wrap a project up. This could be a kink in your workflow, but it could also be a bigger problem like ignoring your own weaknesses instead of getting someone else on board to help you close.
Now let me ask you this – which one of these five problems sound most familiar to you? Is there one in particular that’s got you down, or are you facing a combination of a few?
Fear not friend, we’re about to dive into the solutions. Once you understand exactly what’s regularly blocking you from getting into your ideal flow, you can tackle that obstacle over and over again. Eventually, you may even find it stops cropping up altogether.
Okay here we go, the five solutions to your workflow blockage:
Let’s start with a simple exercise. Think back on the week just gone. What’s one thing you took on board that in hindsight you should have just said no to?
That’s the first solution right there.
- Stop saying yes to absolutely everything! I know it’s easier said than done, but this is a skill that you can work on. Remember, saying no doesn’t always have to be a hard “no” either, it can be a “not right now.”
- Structure! Structuring your day will allow you to get back into your flow when you fall out of it, or even better, stay in it! Start with your morning routine and work from there.
- Switch on and off as you need to. This means setting clear boundaries. Stop checking your email over the weekend. Stop checking social media when you’re sitting at your desk.
- Fine tune your environment. Whether this is your physical or mental space, you need the right environment for productivity. Cut the clutter, close the door, open a window. Do what you gotta do to nurture your workflow.
- Balance reward and punishment. We often think about this concept when we think about the people on our team, but how often do we apply it to ourselves? This will really help boost your motivation in the long run.
Now I don’t expect you to take on all five solutions straightaway. But what’s the one you’re taking on board… starting now?

Mark Creedon
Mark Creedon is the founder of Business Accelerator mastermind by Metropole and business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs – helping them build a true business, not a job.
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