By Caroline Creedon
Motivating Your Team
Getting people motivated is one thing, but keeping them motivated is another. As a leader and a business owner, it’s your role to strike a balance between finding effective ways to motivate your specific team and then keeping the ball rolling with new and fresh ways to keep them on track.
Common frustration leaders often feel is that the people working with them don’t work with the same sense of urgency as they do. Creating a sense of ownership and belonging will play a huge role in keeping your team motivated and actively engaged.
Ultimately, there are seven ways you can start (and keep) this motivation ball rolling.
Communicate clear expectations.
This is really non-negotiable. It’s much more than just KPIs and delegation. This is also about sharing your vision for your business with the people involved in it. Show them where it’s going and the plans you have in store for its future, with your team members playing a big role in that future. Think of it this way–it would be tough to get someone to jump in your car with you if they don’t know where you’re going.
Regular and consistent check-ins.
Schedule time in to have a two-way conversation with each member of your team. It doesn’t have to be formal in any way, it can simply be a dedicated time to ask each other how you’re traveling. The important thing isn’t what the meeting looks like, rather, that it happens on schedule. Consider what’s working, what isn’t working, and what’s next.
Don’t micromanage.
Micromanaging tells your team that you don’t believe in them. It diminishes trust. Instead, offer support and accountability. Be there when they need you and expect them to do the same.
Encourage collaboration.
Foster an environment where people feel they can freely connect with their peers to overcome obstacles on their own. Collaboration throughout your entire time, not just between yourself and your employees, is a great way to help people see they’re contributing to a holistic win for the whole team.
Avoid useless meetings.
If you think it could have been an email or phone call, it could have. Not everything needs to be formally conducted in a meeting. Always have an agenda and keep it concise. Consider who actually needs to be involved and what specifically you need from each of them.
Reward liberally.
Acknowledgment and gratitude always motivate. There are so many ways to show your team you appreciate them, from buying them a coffee to simply saying thanks. Positive reinforcement makes people feel proud about what they’re doing.
Eliminate negativity.
No one likes being surrounded by negative energy. It’s defeating in every way, which means it’s also demotivating. Worst of all, it spreads like a bad cold. Offering your support and shedding your own positive light can help the negative nellies feel more optimistic.
Your business is a jigsaw puzzle. Everyone involved is a necessary piece, but they won’t make much of a difference if they don’t know how their piece fits into the bigger picture
Motivating your team is about helping them feel proud of their work, that they’re contributing to big goals, and that they’re playing a crucial role as part of a team.
Caroline Creedon
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