How to Streamline Your Client Journey-img

By Mark Creedon

How to Streamline Your Client Journey

You know your business inside out.

But have you ever thought about looking at it from the outside in?


Your client journey has a huge impact on everything from the systems you put in place to the sales you make. When we understand exactly how our clients interact with our business from the get-do, we can tailor our offer and everything surrounding it to meet their needs and play to their interests. 


At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to keep customers coming back and to turn them into raving fans. What’s the best way to do this? Nail your customer journey from the start!


Now, in case you don’t already know, I’m a big believer in practising what I preach. So without further delay, here’s a rundown of the exact formula I use at Business Accelerator Mastermind to perfect my client journey.


It’s called the Growth Framework strategy. Imagine a pyramid with 5 levels:

  1. Where
  2. When
  3. How
  4. What
  5. Who


This is your client journey. Let me expand by showing you our customer journey here at BAM:

  1. Mastermind group: This is where we want them to be.
  2. Game plan session: When are we taking each next step?
  3. Strategy session: How can we help them?
  4. Initial fit call: What do they want?
  5. Initial enquiry: Who are they?


The whole purpose of this strategy is to understand where each person starts when they first engage with your business, what that looks like for them, and what you need to do in order to lead them right through to the final stage.

Now, what do you want this journey to be like for both you and your clients? Seamless? Efficient? Helpful?

Incorporating video content is a great way to make the most out of your client journey, starting with something simple like a generic welcome video right through to the personalised touches like one-to-one thank you messages. Remember, video is the next best thing to face-to-face interaction!


Here are some hot tips direct from video content expert Nick Creedon to help you nail the video elements of your client journey:


1.Welcome Videos

  • Introducie yourself, establish a relationship, and set the tone of your entire client journey.
  • Keep it real and be your authentic self. 
  • Include your name and your connection to the business.
  • Set expectations.
  • Keep it short, sweet and simple!


2. Onboarding tutorials

  • These can be used for new team members and clients alike to make everyone’s integration into your business smoother.
  • Include step-by-step instructions with a screen recording as needed.
  • Address all your frequently asked questions.


3. Product demonstrations

  • Highlight features, benefits, capabilities, and functionality.
  • Show the product in action wherever possible.
  • Focus on getting the client to envision themselves with the finished product.


4. Educational content

  • Add value to every client journey with helpful and engaging information that positions you as an authority in your industry. 
  • Consider topics like industry news and product tips and tricks.


5. Case studies and testimonials

  • Gives your clients a chance to put themselves in the shoes of your success stories.
  • Showcase the authenticity of your reviews and the value of your work.


6. Video updates and personalized check-ins

  • Focus on keeping people simultaneously engaged and informed.
  • Use video to send both business-wide updates and personalised, project-specific progress.
  • Reinforce client confidence by giving them the 5-star personalised treatment.


7. Troubleshooting and support

  • Streamline your support content while limiting unnecessary enquiries.
  • Create videos to address common concerns and how to overcome them.


I know, getting in front of the camera can feel tedious, but just think how many hours of email-writing and phone calls and meetings you’ll save by just recording a few simple 2-minute videos!


Now that you know how to streamline your client journey, let’s recap on why this is all so important!


Keep your clients informed and engaged throughout their interactions with your business ultimately makes them feel valued. It helps them feel secure and confident in working with you, which at the end of the day means they’ll likely rave about you to their friends and colleagues. What does this mean for you in the long run? More business and a standup reputation!


Remember, every stage of the client journey counts… and every stage can be streamlined with a simple video!

When you’re ready to build a business, not just a job, we’re here to help you

  • Do you know you’re ready for more, but tired of wondering how you’re going to grow your business?
  • Are you looking to cure your frustrations and isolation with a Real Community?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you’re doomed to playing small?
  • Are you tired of spinning your wheels and getting no traction?

Here are 4 ways we can help you:

  1. Grab a copy of a white paper I recently wrote: “The top 5 reasons why you need to join a Mastermind Group NOW” – click here to download it.
  2. Grab a copy of my book. It’s a road map to creating a business that doesn’t rely on you and you have a business & not just a job – click here
  3. Keep up to date with my Podcast. If you want to learn simple strategies to help you double your revenue and work half your current time your business – Listen here.
  4. Join the Business Mastermind group. It’s our new Facebook community where smart business people learn to get more income, impact & independence – click here
  5. Work with me and my team privately. If you would like to work directly with me and my team to take your business to a Level 3 Business… Just send a message to [email protected] and put the work “Private” in the subject line.

Mark Creedon

Mark Creedon is the founder of Business Accelerator mastermind by Metropole and business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs – helping them build a true business, not a job.

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