How AI Can Help You Create Video Content-img

By Caroline Creedon

How AI Can Help You Create Video Content

Video has become an integral part of every marketing strategy. Landing pages with videos convert up to 80% more than those without. There’s no denying the value that video has brought to businesses around the world.

But coming up with new content can be tough, especially when you’re busy with the million other things it takes to run a business.

Is there a way to still reap the benefits of video content without actually creating everything from scratch myself?

We can’t ignore the gigantic leaps AI has taken recently. In the next 5-10 years, I’ll bet the majority of all video content will be generated by AI. However, we have to remember the value of authenticity in our videos. People buy from other people, they want to know who they’re buying from and what makes you worthy of their business over someone else.

At this stage, AI can’t recreate that authenticity you’ll inevitably get from something like the sound of your own laugh or the charming messiness of a video filmed on the go. This means your audience won’t connect with AI-generated content in the same way they’ll relate to seeing your face chatting to them in a way that feels one-on-one.

doubts-before-signingOne of the biggest reasons videos have made such a dramatic difference for businesses is because it’s an opportunity for business owners to be transparent about the person/people behind a brand. Letting AI take this away from you is surely going to create a downturn in conversion.

AI generally struggles to mimic the casual nature of the human conversation. No matter how hard you try to get a certain tone from it, a robot is still a robot, and the content it produces will be robotic.

Statistics have shown us time and time again that casual, authentic videos convert. Salesy, posed ones do not.

So what do you think the result will be if you decide to use AI-generated video content?

The other area AI is currently lacking in is the ability to tell a story.  It can regurgitate as much information as you can feed it, but at the end of the day, it’s unable to really capture the essence of your brand story and translate that into relatable and engaging content (yet).

What you can (and perhaps should) use AI for right now is getting inspiration for your own content. It’s a great tool to help guide you, it’s just not a one-stop shop for all your video content needs.

See what AI comes up with when you plug in your general concept like who you’re targeting, the tone you want to use, and what you’re trying to get people to do, and then springboard off that to create your own human content.

This is a great way to speed up your content creation process and free up some of your brain power to focus on running your business.

Be wary of using AI to present you and your business to the world – No matter what you tell it, it won’t ever actually sound like you.

The bottom line is that your content works best when it actually connects with people, but we’re getting to a point now where a lot of people out there can recognize AI-generated content for its general lack of human touch and they immediately disconnect from it.

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  1. Grab a copy of a white paper I recently wrote: “The top 5 reasons why you need to join a Mastermind Group NOW” – click here to download it.
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  4. Join the Business Mastermind group. It’s our new Facebook community where smart business people learn to get more income, impact & independence – click here
  5. Work with me and my team privately. If you would like to work directly with me and my team to take your business to a Level 3 Business… Just send a message to [email protected] and put the work “Private” in the subject line.

Caroline Creedon

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